Searching for a delicious Chianti is not the easiest task. Fortunately, we can rely on Olivier's unprecedentedly well-tuned new-wine-talent antenna. Partly for that reason, he himself also thinks he is a highly valued colleague. The rest of the team only works as a well-intentioned - but enthusiastic - counterbalance. We soon arrived at a new star in the firmament: Cigliano di Sopra.
Other winemakers undeniably praise Cigliano di Sopra, we quickly discovered when we delved a little deeper into the glass.. winery. Our friends from Bakkanali, for example, were above average enthusiastic when we started talking about it. And honestly, from sip one we were fascinated by the winery, especially by the unparalleled Chianto Classico it makes.
Why? It is an honest wine. Not that we suspect it of lies, no. But there are Chiantis in this world that come across as so contrived that a false truth is indeed imposed. An honest wine, therefore, that tastes of amarena cherries, blood orange and something subtly savoury. Feather-light feel the acids and soft, ripe tannins. This is Chianti Classico that tells the truth, wine that has nothing to hide.
The cause of this delicacy is Maddalena Fucile, who decided in 2016 that the grapes grown on her family farm would no longer be sold in bulk. Maddalena started making wine herself. A courageous and -as it turns out- wise decision. A total of 7 hectares of vineyards, partly existing - partly newly planted, are now cultivated biodynamically around the Cigliano hill. 11 different plots, mainly Sangiovese on sand and pebbles at an altitude of 240 to 300 meters. After picking, each plot is vinified separately, spontaneously fermented in small open barrels. The great thing is, each plot gives a slightly different result. The final blend of all those wines is therefore the ultimate expression of Cigliano, also because Maddalena uses very little sulfite.
In addition to her incomparable Chianti Classico, we also have a tiny bit of Riserva 'Vigneto Branca'. This layered, elegant and seductive top wine can only be found in our shop. Welcome!